A New Truth

From the dawn of history until today, we, human beings, have continuously searched for a truth that is absolute, and on which we can all agree.

This knowledge should enable us to overcome our ignorance about the visible world around us, but also about those things that go beyond the physical plane.
Religion and science, each in its own field, have guided us to shed some light on our ignorance.
But religion and science, throughout the ages, have adopted positions that seem contradictory and irreconcilable.
In order for us to completely overcome the two aspects of our ignorance, we must find a new truth that can reconcile religion and science on a common ground.

Only then, completely freed from ignorance and living only in goodness, in accordance with the desires of the original mind, can we all together enjoy eternal joy.

The advancement of science created a comfortable social environment. Today we can enjoy abundant wealth and prosperity, but can that alone truly gratify the spiritual desires of the inner being?

Just as a healthy body depends on a healthy mind, the joy of the body is only complete when the mind is joyful.

If we talk about eliminating our inner or spiritual ignorance, philosophies and religions have made many contributions.

Philosophers, saints and sages historically did a great job to enlighten the people of their time with knowledge. However, many of their achievements added spiritual burdens for people today.

Has any philosopher arrived at the knowledge that can solve the deepest anxieties of mankind? Has there been any sage who has solved the fundamental questions of human life and the universe?

The reason why people who believe in God continue to commit sins, is because their faith in God has not touched their innermost feelings. Who among them would dare to sin if they experienced God in their innermost being?

No one.

A new truth must be able to unify knowledge, reconciling the inner truth pursued by religion with the outer truth pursued by science.

Consequently, it will enable all men to overcome the two kinds of ignorance, inner and outer, and to fully understand the two kinds of knowledge.

In addition, the new truth should lead people to block perverse desires and pursue the goals of the original mind, enabling them to attain goodness. It should lead people to eliminate the double-mindedness that sometimes seeks good and sometimes evil.

The sinless world can be called the Kingdom of Heaven. Since this world must be established on earth, it can be called the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. The ultimate purpose of God's work of salvation is to establish the Kingdom of Heaven on earth.

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